york academy

Politics : Critique and Progress

The work cited above is by no means exhaustive and many more speciWc domains of application could be reviewed. In…

Politics : Social Influence, Social Psychology, and Political Culture

The network approach has also been used to understand patterns of social inXuence, social cognition, and political culture. Krackhardt’s (1990)…

Political Mobilization and Social Movements

The network concept has also had signiWcant impact in the study of political mobilization and social movements. Much of this…

Politics : Markets

The Welds of political economy and economic sociology have also used the idea of networks to conceptualize markets and market…

Politics : Organizations

The study of organizations is another area in which network institutionalism is well represented. La Porte’s (1975) work on complexity,…

Politics : 4 Policy Networks

The network analysis literature described above has mostly been developed in sociology and anthropology. In political science, a largely separate…

Politics : Network Analysis

One of the distinguishing features of network institutionalism is the availability of a range of quantitative techniques designed to analyze…

Politics : What is a Network?

A network is a set of relationships between individuals, groups, or organizations. A relationship, for example, might be a friendship…

Politics : Constructivist Institutionalism Applied: Crises, Paradigm Shifts, and Uncertainty

Whilst there may well be something of a tension between the contemporary trajec- tory of historical institutionalism and the developing…

Politics : The Analytical and Ontological Distinctiveness of Constructivist Institutionalism

In the context, then, of contemporary developments in new institutionalist schol- arship, the analytical and ontological assumptions of constructivist institutionalism…