york academy

Looking Inside: Organelles and Their Functions

Molecules that pass muster with the cell membrane enter the cytoplasm, a mixture of macromolecules such as proteins and RNA…

Aiming for the Nucleus

The cell nucleus is the largest cellular organelle and the first to be discovered by scien- tists. On average, it…

The Cell: Life’s Basic Building Block

Cytology, from the Greek word cyto, which means “cell,” is the study of cells. Every living thing has cells, but…

Cycling through Life: Metabolism

Metabolism (from the Greek metabole, which means “change”) is the word for the myriad chemical reactions that happen in the…

Compounding Chemical Reactions

Atoms tend to arrange themselves in the most stable patterns possible, which means that they have a tendency to complete…

Building from Scratch: Atoms and Elements

All matter — be it solid, liquid, or gas — is composed of atoms. An atom is the smallest unit…